Scholarships A Win For Nurses And Midwives, Australia

The Australian Nursing Federation has welcomed the announcement that the Royal College of Nursing, Australia will administer the new national nursing scholarship scheme.

The federal government has committed to more than $100 million funding over four years for undergraduate and postgraduate study, clinical placements and continuing professional development for nursing and allied health professionals in the Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme.

ANF federal secretary Lee Thomas congratulated the RCNA in being appointed administrator of the nursing and midwifery scholarships. "Nursing and midwifery are highly skilled professions that require rigorous education and preparation for practice. This is recognition that the RCNA has shown commitment to the high standards of educational requirements required by the professions which ultimately affects the quality care provided to the community."

Ms Thomas said the federal government had shown commitment to the advancement of nursing and midwifery education and practice with the scheme. "The federal government has placed an emphasis on further education and training of nurses and midwives and expanded and advanced practice."

Australian Nursing Federation

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